hi, i’m oran


i graduated from union theological seminary in the city of new york in 2021 with a masters of divinity emphasizing mindbodyspirit and community care for trans and queer people.

this website exists to offer more accessible resources and holistic care options for trans and gender non-conforming people so that we can work to heal our relationships with ourselves, those that matter, this planet and her ecosystems, our current or former religious tradition/s, and the ongoing impact they may have in our flourishing. i wanted to create the resources i desperately needed for myself but had difficulty accessing or couldn’t find.

in addition to offering spiritual companionship and creations from the shop, i created a crowd-sharing document to share and connect with other tgnc support that exists.

my creative practice is all about reincarnating, reclaiming, and giving new life to the things we forget, discard, or no longer serve us; dreaming of what new world could be created with the current materials. by using donated and previously loved materials all the way down to the “scraps” (check out knotted coasters in the archive), i aim to honor and find purpose for every fiber. this practice transitions garments with us as we change and evolve while simultaneously transforming our relationship with waste and worthiness.