trans & gender non-conforming mindbodyspirit resources

trans & gender non-conforming care resource share


i was not always exposed to queer and trans competent materials and references while i was in my masters program SO i began creating a referral list of other mindbodyspirit support for trans and gnc people. That document exists here.

i’d love if you joined me in crowdsourcing other resources/healers/groups/mutual aid/funds that exist to support the minds, bodies, spirits, and communities of trans and gender non-conforming people emphasizing trauma-informed and trans-competent resources and healers. to submit to this list fill out this form. To browse through all submissions check out this spreadsheet.

an aim of this work is to access the web of amazing healers, collectives, and resources out there while seeing what gaps might still be existing. I also deeply hope that those of us who do trans competent trauma-informed care can connect and support each other.

another essay on trans identity formation


I wrote this essay “Trans Identity: A Colonized, Racialized, and Gendered Experience” in partial fulfillment of credit for a class on race, othering, and psychoanalysis during my Master of divinity training at Union theological seminary.

my primary audience for this essay is white queers and white trans people, as it is important to understand how white privilege seeps into trans identity formation, our queerness does not negate our whiteness.

in this essay you will read words and ideas from moya bailey, b. binaohan, c. riley snorton, alok, mia mingus, Elías Cosenza krell, alice walker, and more! I referenced some of my favorite non-academic writers, and some i had to cite for credit (*Robin diangelo…) so i recommend taking a look at the bibliography and pick something to read. email me and I can get you a pdf for free :)


spiritual companionship


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